Dr. Türeli is Coordinator of the Research Group on Democracy, Space, and Technology (RGDST) under the Yan P. Lin Centre of which she is a founding member. The RGDST complements the other five pillars of the Yan P. Lin Centre by introducing, theoretically, the spatiality of justice, and, pragmatically, opportunities enabled by technology. Research Group activities and events explore the role of the built environment in freedom, public life, and democracy. Since 2016, Dr. Türeli organized a total of 20 events: three public exhibitions, one building with bamboo workshop, one panel, one conference, ten public talks, and four doctoral workshops. The Research Group further provides support to group members e.g., by providing seed and/or matching funding for research projects and co-sponsoring their publications, exhibitions, and other activities.
Dr. Türeli is Co-organizer of the Montreal Ottoman-Turkish Studies (MOTS) Workshop along with Dr. Aslihan Gürbüzel, Dr. Veysel Şimşek, and Dr. Anastassios (Tassos) Anastassiadis. (Mots Blog).
In 2018-2019, Dr. Türeli was Coordinator of the Architecture Lecture Series which featured 14 speakers and one panel.