4 December 2024
Dr. Türeli convened and moderated, together with Dr. Patricia Morton (UC Riverside), the panel “Creating Visual Archives for/of Palestine” featuring panelists Jessica Anderson of Visualizing Palestine and Nisreen Zahda of VRJ Palestine (online).
15 November 2024
Dr. Türeli presented the team project “Night-time Design for/with Marginalized Communities” at the annual online convention of the SSHRC Research Partnership #895-2022-1003 "Quality of the Built Environment in Canada: Roadmaps to Quality, Social Value and Sustainability.” Link
5 November 2024
Dr. Türeli was a critical respondent at the Carleton University PhD Program Open Colloquium II.
15 October 2024
Dr. Türeli published a 27-min documentary on the Design for the Global Majority project. Link
1 September 2024
Dr. Türeli launched the Türkiye Earthquake Memory Project (TEMP), an online repository of newspaper and media coverage that reveals how Türkiye remembers its past century of earthquakes. Link
28 June 2024
Dr. Türeli delivered a conference paper titled “Construction and Crisis in the City,” in the panel “Night and the Off-Hours of Urgency Across Media,” organized by Dr. Alanna Thain (McGill) at NECS–European Network for Cinema and Media Studies annual conference “Emergencies: Media in an Unpredictable World,” hosted by Izmir University of Economics, Izmir.
27 June 2024
Dr. Türeli gave a public talk titled “Industrial Workshops and the Architecture of Racial Education,” at the Faculty of Architecture, Yasar University, Izmir.
1 June 2024
Dr. Türeli delivered a conference paper titled “Construction and Crisis in the City,” in the panel “Turk-ish Spaces: Cities, Borders, Landscapes,” at the Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Annual Conference “Looking Turk-ish: A Modern Identity Reframed,” at Northwestern University, Chicago.
14 May 2024
Dr. Türeli delivered a conference paper entitled “Industrial Workshops and Self-Help in the American Missionary-Educational Enterprise,” at the Max Weber Foundation Conference on “Harmful Entanglements” hosted by the Orient-Institute in Istanbul.
2-3 May 2023
Dr. Türeli represented the team project “Night-time Design for/with Marginalized Communities” at the annual convention of the SSHRC Research Partnership #895-2022-1003 "Quality of the Built Environment in Canada: Roadmaps to Quality, Social Value and Sustainability" in Halifax.
30 April 2024
Dr. Türeli gave an invited paper titled “Piety and the Built Environment: How to Study?” at the Roundtable "Resurgence of the ‘Islamic City’ in the 20th and 21st Centuries," organized by Zohreh Soltani (Ithaca College) and Ayșe Baltacıoğlu Brammer (NYU) for the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Initiative at New York University.
16 November 2023
Dr. Türeli presented on “Cooperative Housing” at the roundtable "Concretiser La Durabilite Au Niveau Local: Comment?" with other panelists Daniel Pearl (UdeM), Gonzalo Lizarralde(UdeM), Vikram Bhatt (McGill) and moderated by Lauriane Rioux and Zy St-Pierre-Bourdelais of Coop Kaza, hosted by Université de Montréal.
19 October 2023
Dr. Türeli was discussant together with Dr. Robert Mellin of the keynote by Emeritus Professor Vikram Bhatt as the opening act of the symposium for “Design for the Global Majority” which brought to McGill University the alumni of the Minimum Cost Housing Group. See video documentation here.
18 October 2023
Dr. Türeli gave an invited paper titled “Nighttime Architectures of Protest,” at the symposium “Landscape of Protest: On Conflictual, Affective and Environmental Dimension of Cities” organized by Alberta Piselli and Francesca Rossi, Dipartimento di Architettura e Progetto, La Sapienza (online).
2 October 2023
Dr. Türeli co-curated, with Emeritus Professor Vikram Bhatt and PhD candidate Arièle Dionne-Krosnick, the exhibition “Design for the Global Majority” at the School of Architecture (October 2 to 27). The show was accompanied by three hands-on making workshops and guided tours. Link
29 August 2023
Dr. Türeli gave an invited presentation titled “Models as Props,” at the “A Quoi sert la Maquette en Architecture?” Workshop organized by Dr.Virginie LaSalle (UdeM) and George Adamyck (UdeM) for LEAP, Université de Montréal.
20 May 2023
Dr. Türeli was the “Advocate” for one of the 10 Canadian teams that developed designs for decommodified housing on display at the Canada Pavillion in Venice curated by the Architects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA) collective for the 2023 Architecture Biennale. As Advocate, she offered the concept and the theoretical grounding of the project of her team, entitled “Mutual-Aid Housing” as well as contributing one of the panels on display. Link
9 May 2023
Vernissage for the “Architecture Playshop” exhibition (May 9 to June 2) at the School of Architecture which featured drawings and photographs showcasing the work generated during workshops that took place at our partner school, Royal Vale Elementary over the span of 5 weeks (February to April). Dr. Türeli published a reflective article on this work in Platform (2024). Link
1-3 May 2023
Dr. Türeli represented the team project “Night-time Design for/with Marginalized Communities” at the annual convention of the SSHRC Research Partnership #895-2022-1003 "Quality of the Built Environment in Canada: Roadmaps to Quality, Social Value and Sustainability" in Calgary.
2 May 2023
Architecture Playshop received Honourable Mention in the Audio-Visual Media category in the international UIA (International Union of Architects) competition for Golden Cube Awards. Link
14 April 2023
Dr. Türeli convened and chaired the session “Architectural Experiments in Decommodified Housing” at the Society of Architectural Historians Annual Conference in Montreal.
12 April 2023
Dr. Türeli co-curated with Vikram Bhatt and Arièle Dionne-Krosnick the exhibition “Minimum Cost Housing Group: Design for the Global Majority: From the Library Archives” on show from April 12 to June 9 at the McLennan Library Lobby. Link
4 April 2023
Dr. Türeli took part in the roundtable “Architects against Housing Alienation (AAHA),” with the participation of Venice Biennale Canada Pavillion teams: (Equipe 8) Daniel Pearl, Caroline Corbex, Olivier Leclerc, and (Equipe 9) Ipek Türeli, Anne Cormier, Isabelle Richard to represent the project “Mutual-aid Housing,” and AAHA Curators Sara Stevens and Adrian Blackwell, hosted by the School of Architecture, Université de Montréal (hybrid).
15 March 2023
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) announced the nomination of Dr. Türeli’s research-creation project Architecture Playshop for submission to the international UIA Architecture & Children Golden Cubes Awards as Canada’s national entry. Link
17 December 2022
Dr. Türeli delivered a conference paper titled “Repercussions of the global dissemination of the campus landscape,” at the biannual IASTE Conference hosted by the National University of Singapore.
14 November 2022
Dr. Türeli gave a public talk entitled “Campus Landscapes” at the Faculty of Architecture at Middle East Technical University, Ankara. This paper was later published in the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (June 2024). Link
4 November 2022
Dr. Türeli gave a paper titled “Designing Preferable Futures,” as part of the panel “The Transitional Aspects of Heritage” at the symposium “Heritage in War and Peace II: Spaces of Conflict, Spaces of Justice” organised jointly by Law Faculty graduate students at McGill University and Political Science graduate students at Sapienza University, hosted by the Law Faculty, McGill University (hybrid).
28 October 2022
Dr. Türeli moderated the public program “Interrupt Reframe: Who decides?” for d.talks of Calgary. Link (online). The talks are part of the “Interrupt, Reframe” issue of FOLD, co-guest edited by Türeli, and published by d.talks. Link
17 October 2022
Dr. Türeli was appointed to serve as Book Review Editor for the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (January 2023-December 2025).
21 July 2022
Dr. Türeli organized and moderated a workshop entitled “Engaging Communities in the Design Studio: Considerations for Accountability from Five Case Studies” for the Architecture Lobby’s “Architecture Beyond Capitalism (A-B-C)” Summer School. Link (online)
22 June 2022
Dr. Türeli gave an invited presentation at the SAH/GAHTC Teacher-to-Teacher Workshop “Interrogating ‘Identities’ in Global Built Environments” (online).
15 June 2022
Dr. Türeli delivered a presentation on her research-creation project “Architecture Playshop” at the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) and the Canadian Council of University Schools of Architecture (CCUSA) 2022 Academic Summit on Architecture (online).
29 April 2022
Dr. Türeli became co-Chair of the Minority Scholars Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians along with Dr. Madhuri Desai (Penn State University). Link (online)
23 April 2022
Dr. Türeli made a presentation at the SAH WiA Affiliate Group Mentoring Program roundtable titled “Challenges of writing architectural histories of undocumented/ underrepresented groups with a focus on women: A conversation among Omeasoo Wahpasiw, Anooradha Siddiqi, Ayala Lavin, Helen Hills and Ipek Türeli,” organized by Dr. Gül Kale (Carleton University) (online).
20 April 2022
Dr. Türeli was a speaker at the panel "Restorative Justice and the Design of Intentional Physical Spaces" with Deanna Van Buren, Barb Toews, Cynthia Imogen Hammond and Greg Labrosse. Hosted by the Zher Institute for Restorative Justice. Link
5 April 2022
Dr. Türeli organized and moderated the hybrid panel discussion “After Türkiye-Syria Earthquakes: Transdisciplinary Perspectives toward Healing and Recovery” featuring Dr. Christie Rowe (McGill), Dr. Yazhou (Tim) Xie (McGill), Dr. Osman Balaban (METU), Dr. Gonzalo Lizzaralde (Université de Montréal) and Dr. Zeynep Gül Ünal (Yıldız Technical University) for the Montreal Ottoman Turkish Studies Workshop (MOTS). Link
10 March 2022
Dr. Türeli was interviewed by Sinem Çelik for the show Açık Mimarlık on her book Istanbul: Açık Şehir. Link
8 March 2022
Dr. Türeli was interviewed by radio host Rick Zamperin on Good Morning Hamilton, on Global News AM900 CHML.
23 February 2022
Dr. Türeli published, in The Conversation, “Canada’s housing crisis will not be solved by building more of the same.Link
26 January 2022
Dr. Türeli organized and moderated the panel discussion “Architects Against Housing Alienation,” featuring Dr. Sara Stevens (UBC and AAHA member), Anne Cormier (UdeM) and Shane Laptiste (Toronto) at the School of Architecture, McGill University.
15 December 2021
Dr. Türeli made a paper presentation at the Seminar “Cultural Heritage: from the midst of war to the brink of peace,” co-organized by Law graduate students at McGill University and Sapineza University. Link (online)
2 December 2021
Dr. Türeli was discussant for the roundtable “What's Up in Turkish Studies” at the Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) annual conference. Panel presenters included Dr. James Ryan, Dr. Sarah-Neel Smith, Dr. Nick Danforth, and Dr. Timur Hammond. (online)
26 November 2021
Dr. Türeli gave a talk entitled “Panorama and the City” as part of the Art and Architectural History Fall 2021 Lecture Series at Carleton University. Link (online)
26 October 2021
Dr. Türeli was interviewed by Dr. Akif Pamuk for the show Dünyayı Okumak on her book Istanbul: Açık Şehir. Link
13 October 2021
Dr. Türeli was interviewed by Gizem Kiygi for the show Yerden Yüksek on her book Istanbul: Açık Şehir. Link
8 October 2021
Dr. Türeli presented a paper at the second International Conference on Night Studies (ICNS.LX) in a panel entitled “Visualities of the Night: Representation and image-making in audio-visual media” pre-organized by Dr. Will Straw and Dr. Elenora Diamanti.
5 October 2021
Dr. Türeli was interviewed by Emek Erez of 1+1/Express on the occasion of “World Habitat Day” on her book Istanbul: Açık Şehir. Read the interview here.
3 October 2021
Dr. Türeli was interviewed by Gülçin Karabağ for Mediascope on her book Istanbul: Açık Şehir.
October 2021
Dr. Türeli’s research-creation project “Architecture Playshop” which was commissioned by the Korean Pavillion at the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale was on display. Link
1 September 2021
Dr. Türeli chaired the panel “Digitizing in Theory and Practice” at the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE) annual conference. Panel presenters included Dr. Mark Jarzombek, Eliyahu Keller, Dr. Yael Allweil, Dr. Kartikeya Date, and Tzafrir Fainholtz. Link (online)
31 August 2021
Dr. Türeli’s book İstanbul Açık Şehir: Kentsel Modernitenin Endişelerini Sergilemek was published in Turkish by Metis. Link
7 June 2021
Dr. Türeli presented the conference paper titled “Projections for the Urban Night.” European Network for Cinema and Media Studies (NECS) 2021 Conference: Transitions: Moving Images and Bodies,” in a workshop on “Spaces of Sociability: Interdisciplinary Practices of Urban Media,” organized by Alanna Thain (online). This paper was later published in the Journal of Architectural Education (2021). Link
15 April 2021
Dr. Türeli presented the conference paper titled “Empowerment through Design? Feminist Housing Cooperatives in Montreal,” at the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) annual conference in the panel “Advocacy, Activism and Alliances in American Architecture Since 1968” organized by Lori Brown and Andrea Merrett (online). This paper was later published in the journal Global Discourse (2022). Link
21 March 2021
Dr. Türeli co-organized and installed with Dr. Diana Allan (McGill), and graduate student assistants, the exhibition “Souq Stories: Reclaiming the Commons. Photographing Daily Life in Palestine’s Historic Markets” curated by Waed Manaf Abbas, Shareef Sirhan, Layan Salameh, Amir Marshi, from March 21 to April 7 at the School of Architecture, McGill University
11 January 2021
Dr. Türeli was elected to the Board of Directors of the Society of Architectural Historians for a three-year term. Link
1 September 2020
Dr. Türeli was appointed Graduate Program Director at the School of Architecture and elected to the Senate of McGill University.
During 2019-2020, Dr. Türeli was on sabbatical.