Dr. Türeli is Coordinator of the Research Group on Democracy, Space, and Technology (RGDST) under the Yan P. Lin Centre. She has organized numerous events: several public exhibitions, several workshops, several panels, two international conferences, public talks (with speakers such as Greig Crysler; Michael Murphy; Eyal Weizman, Yasmeen Lari, Dianne Harris, Dell Upton; Senan Abdelqader, Kathleen James-Chakraborty, Esra Akcan, Helga Tawil Souri, Ussama Makdisi), and four doctoral workshops. The Research Group further provides support to group members e.g., by providing seed and/or matching funding for research projects and co-sponsoring their publications, exhibitions, and other activities. Website
Building with Bamboo Workshop led by Architect Yasmin Lari, 2017
Dr. Türeli is current Chair (2022-25) of the Minority Scholars Affiliate Group of the Society of Architectural Historians. In this role, she has organized online panels and sessions on topics of professional development and thematic interest to MSAG membership. Website
Dr. Türeli is Co-organizer of the Montreal Ottoman-Turkish Studies (MOTS) Workshop along with Historians Dr. Aslihan Gürbüzel, Dr. Veysel Şimşek, and Dr. Anastassios (Tassos) Anastassiadis. This annual workshop series seeks to bring together scholars working on the diverse peoples, cultures, and environments of Modern Turkey and the Ottoman Empire with an understanding that these political entities as a reference point for the entangled histories of a region that has always been connected to the rest of the world through trade, diplomacy, intellectual exchange, technological transfer, mobility, and migration. Website.
(2021-2023) Dr. Türeli supported the student-led Race and Space Reading Group and sponsored and guided the group’s online presence including a website to document reading group discussions and events such as the panel discussion with the Kanien'kehá:ka Kahnistensera at McGill University on March 8th, 2023, the talks and panels associated with the exhibition “Souq Stories” in Winter 2022. Website.
(2018-2019) Dr. Türeli was Coordinator of the Architecture Lecture Series which featured 14 speakers, and one panel.
Poster for the Architecture Lecture Series. Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2018.
Other event posters

exhibitions and symposia

Postcard for “Design for the Global Majority.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2023.
Poster for “Architecture Playshop Exhibition.” Designed by Audrey Boutot, 2023.
Poster for “Souq Stories: Reclaiming the Commons.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2022.
Poster for “School Time: Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Educational Globalization.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2016.
Poster for “Creative Dissent: Arts of the Arab Uprisings.” 2016.

public talks and discussions

Poster for Ussama Makdisi’s talk “Overwriting Palestine: History, Genocide and Denial Today.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2024.
Poster for “After Türkiye-Syria Earthquakes.” Designed by Audrey Boutot, 2023.
Poster for Belgin Turan’s talk “Itinerant Objects: The British Museum and the Ottoman Response to Antiquity.” Designed by Audrey Boutot, 2023.
Poster for Kathleen James-Chakraborty’s talk “Expanding Agency: Women and Modern Architecture and Design.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2022.
Poster for Esra Akcan’s talk “Human Rights, Transitional Justice and Architecture.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2022.
Poster for Albena Yaneva’s talk “The New Ecology of Architectural Practice: An Actor-Network-Theory Perspective on the Effects of Covid-19.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2021.
Poster for Dell Upton’s talk “What Can & Can't Be Said: Commemorating U.S. African-American History in the Shadow of the Confederacy.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2018.
Poster for Dianne Harris’ talk “Framing Los Angeles 1960: Case Study House #22 and the Representation of Whiteness.” Designed by Atelier Pastille Rose, 2017.
Poster for talk by Eyal Weizman, 2017.
Poster for talk by Yasmin Lari, 2017.
Poster for Greig Crysler’s talk “Rethinking design activism: Scale, exchange & architectural education.” 2016.


Posters for “Queering the Night: Screening + Workshop” and “Counter Mapping Workshop.” Designed by Alexandre Neron, 2023.
Poster for Dissertation Proposal Workshop, led by Greig Crysler, and featuring presentations by Ayca Koseoglu, Julia Tischer, Olivier Jacques and Ipek Mehmetoglu, 2016.